
Deep front line fascia
Deep front line fascia

Catching a fish by means of a fishing rod would cause a rupture of the body of a fisherman from one arm to the other. “ The forces calculated for a grandfather raises his little 3 years old son will invariably dislocate his spine.

deep front line fascia

Without this Tensegrity we are left with the previously discussed Rods and levers belief which Stephen M Levin in his research points out some consequences on the virtual organisation from the application of these thoughts to the human body: The main advantage of a tensegrity structure is its capacity to withstand the stresses applied to it while being absolutely energy efficient.

deep front line fascia

Tensegriteach from AnatomyTrains on Vimeo.Įach body posture we place ourselves in corresponds to a different state of self-stress, itself then corresponding to a distribution (qualitative and quantitative) of muscle tone. This regulated tensility level selfstress the human body. Tensegrity (ie: tension + integrity) is an architectural concept “based on the use of isolated components in compression inside a net of continuous tension, in such a way that the compressed members (struts) do not touch each other and the prestressed tensioned members (cables) delineate the system spatially.” (Wikipedia)Ĭellular Tensegrity hypothesis was originally proposed by Donald Ingber, for which the human body is presented as a Tensegrity structure where 206 bones work in compression, “hoisted” in the gravity field by the tensility expressed in muscles, tendons and ligaments. The term “tensegrity” was coined by architect Fuller in 1955. I’m sure that both compressional and tensional training are happening in some cases already, however most of what goes on in a gym is compressional training. There has been some discussion recently about TENSIONAL training as opposed to say lifting weights where the structures of the body are under compression. In that case, addressing any pain or dysfunction would be more a case of finding the part that wasn’t working and fixing the hydraulics at that particular joint. If we were robots not people, then I think it would be fine. While this is not technically incorrect, is it the most authentic way to view functional (and therefore dysfunctional) structure and movement? And as such the Human body was divided and segmented into bones, muscles, organs, etc., this vision of our body led to us dividing movement patterns in order to improve each part of its function, instead of work on the improvement of movement as a whole eg: the biceps pull on the Radius bone to produce elbow flexion. So lets talk Fascia and Tensegrity, Now I don’t want to cast any aspersions on any childhood songs in particular (cough, cough), but we do tend to simply imagine the body as a rigid frame, For long, we have attempted to understand the functioning of the human body using dissection.

deep front line fascia

Tensegrity Fascia Training for Improved Performance and Health admin Ezekiel cried dem dry bones….

Deep front line fascia